Who is behind Officity?
Officity is a project of Nectil, a european company based in Brussels.
Thank you to all the team members: François Dispaux, Boris Verdeyen, Marc Mignonsin, Jonathan Sanchez, and Julien Gonzalez.
Realized with the help of Brussels Export
What is Officity?
Officity is a web platform to prototype, create, expand, share, and publish web applications.
Designed for business applications, Officity is an ideal platform to manage your projects, clients, documents and content, products, processes, invoices, events, etc…
For users, Officity is like Access or Filemaker but on the web. You can create, expand, and share web applications directly from your Excel files and manage your data right away.
For developers, Officity is like Windows or Mac OS but on the web. You can instantly prototype and quickly create sophisticated web applications based on the most widespread open-source knowledges (php, jquery) and servers (linux, apache).
Why Officity?
Choosing Officity, it's choosing for the richness of all its components Kaiten, Sushee, and Shoyu. But Officity is more than the sum of its parts!
Officity is a comprehensive platform: analysis, three environments (development, beta, production), data model, data management, process, user interface… everything can be done within the platform in a homogeneous and open-source framework. And the best part: you are free to use other tools within the platform! You can develop from scratch, add your favorite framework, re-use your existing database…
Fast development
With Officity, you can create new objects, link them together, and start managing your data within minutes. If you want to extend or customize your applications, Officity provides you existing components to accelerate all your developments. From the smallest component (e.g. create an input field with internationalized label, tip, help, data validator, option list, … with a single line of code) to complete panels (e.g. advanced search p screen, history of an element, link panel, …).
How does Officity work?
Officity is based on a xLAMP infrastructure: XML, Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
Officity consists of three complementary softwares that support all the layers of application creation, from conception and database to the user interface:
Sushee, xml business objects
Sushee is a management system for functional and relational business objects represented and manipulated by XML.
Kaiten, continuous user experience
Kaiten is a jQuery plugin that delivers a new navigation model for web applications. Kaiten can be used in Officity for your web applications or in standalone version for your user interfaces.
Shoyu, officity application components
Shoyu is a library of functional and interface components to quickly build Officity applications.
What's it like?
The springboard
An application (here the Factory):