Officity choose the GPLv3 license of the Free Software Foundation.
We plan to release Officity under other open-source licenses in the future… if you need to use our software under another license like EUPL or MIT, feel free to contact us!
Why open-source?
Open source software have much greater value than simply getting something for free.
If open source software is primarily a vehicle for philosophical and ethical values, we believe it is the model that best promotes innovation and flexibility.
The open source model allows you to dedicate greater portions of your budgets to developments and innovations that will meet the strategic needs of your business and that will give you competitive advantages.
Open source software has been proven to provide better value, lower costs, improved security, and greater flexibility addressing the most important enterprise considerations today.
Giants such as Google, Apple (avec par exemple Webkit qui est le cœur des navigateurs tel que Safari, Google Chrome, Nokia QT, Blackberry, etc.), Sun (e.g. openoffice), IBM, ... have already understood this.