Main Officity
You want to set the main URL which will lead to the Officity environment and to the website managed through it.
- Open the file Kernel/common/
- Find the line beginning with $GLOBALS["NectilMasterURL"]= "...";
- Replace the second part by the wanted URL, without the prefix http://www.
e.g.: $GLOBALS["NectilMasterURL"]="";
You want to add an additional URL for the website :
- Open the file Kernel/common/
- Find the line beginning with $GLOBALS["NectilMasterURL2"]= "...";
- If there is no such line, add one
- Replace the second part by the additional URLs separated by commas
e.g.: $GLOBALS["NectilMasterURL2"]=",,,";
Don't forget to also configure your webserver to accept these URLs and assign them to the right directory. This article only concerns the Officity part of the configuration.