<APP ID="" release-type="major,minor,revision" folder="/apps/">
ID: the ID of the application to export
@release-type: the type of release. The application version will be impacted. e.g. Major release of an app at version 1.0.4 will become 2.0.0
@folder: the environment where to take the app. By default takes the version in /apps/
SEARCH: Can be used to export elements used in the applications. Must be elements of the modules linked to the app by the 'officity:moduleApps' dependencytype.
Export an application as a zip package, installable on another officity instance.
The zip contains a directory 'app' containing the app files (PHP scripts, XSL templates, CSS, Javascripts, images) and a install.xml file, containing the xSushee commands to execute to install the app.
If the app is already installed, the 'app' directory will be replaced and the install.xml file will be transformed to upgrade the existing objects and update the existing elements (elements are registered when installed with an application, so they can be later changed transparently).
The file is saved on the server and possess an accessible URL that can be later used with <IMPORT><APP> to install the app on another Officity.
What data is exported ?
- the NAMESPACE of the app
- MODULES which have app and appNamespace set to the one of the application
- parent MODULES of theses modules (if one module is an extension)
- the NAMESPACE of these modules
- the FIELDs of these modules
- the PROCESSORs of these modules and located inside the app directory
- the VIRTUALMODULEs for these modules
- the categories for these modules
- the DEPENDENCYTYPES between the modules exported
- the CUSTOMCOMMANDs located inside the app directory
- the LABELS with the denomination starting with 'namespace/app-url/' e.g. officity/terminal
- the LISTs with the domain starting with 'namespace/modulename'. e.g. sushee/contact
- the elements in QUERY and the dependencies between each one of them
<APP ID="1108" folder="/apps-dev/">
<FILE creationDate="2011-11-29 16:53:08" modificationDate="2011-11-29 16:53:08" size="49.51 KB" realsize="50695">
<SIZE>49.51 KB</SIZE>