<APP [href="text"] [path="text"]></APP>
@href: a URL where to download the application package. Usually returned by <EXPORT><APP>.
@path: a local path where to download the package. Must have been upload in sushee /Files/ directory. Relative to this directory. e.g. /media/
Installs an application in Officity.
If it's a new application, the application files are installed and the datas are saved in the database (install.xml file) and the created elements are registered so they can be later updated.
If the application is already installed, the files are replaced and the install.xml file will be transformed to upgrade the existing objects and update the existing elements.
If the app has been installed by another way, be sure to check the elements are first registered (See OFFICITY:APP_IMPORTED_ELEMENT).
If any error occurs, check the install.xml file to see which request could have turned wrong. Sushee also saves every requests executed during the installation in a XML file located in /Files/tmp/. The last request is the one which provoked the error.
<APP href=""/>