<MODULE ID="number">
<CREATIONDATE>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss</CREATIONDATE><!-- automatically filled by Sushee -->
<MODIFICATIONDATE>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss</MODIFICATIONDATE><!-- automatically filled by Sushee -->
<EXTENDS>module denomination</EXTENDS><!-- will use the same table as the module extended -->
<DEPENDENCY type="fields">
<FIELD ID="number"/>
<DEPENDENCY type="processors">
<PROCESSOR ID="number"/>
<DEPENDENCY type="officity:moduleNamespaces">
<NAMESPACE ID="number"/>
<DEPENDENCY type="officity:moduleApps">
<APP ID="number"/>
Describes an object type in Sushee. Can be used to create new object types, if the native objects (CONTACT, MEDIA) don't meet your needs.
You will need to create a namespace first in order to create new object types. All your new objects will be prefixed with this namespace.
Once a new object type is created, you can add fields to this object type using the FIELD object.
Create the namespace that identifies you are the editor and creator of the object :
Create the new type of object :
<DEPENDENCY type="officity:moduleNamespaces">
Create new fields in this new object :
Create another object that extends a native object :
Allow to link both objects together :
<DEPENDENCYTYPE type="start" from="bma:project" to="bma:employee">
<LABEL languageID="eng">works on</LABEL>
Use the new objects :
<DEPENDENCY type="bma:worksOn">