<CREATIONDATE>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss</CREATIONDATE><!-- automatically filled by Sushee -->
<MODIFICATIONDATE>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss</MODIFICATIONDATE><!-- automatically filled by Sushee -->
TYPE: 'development' environment contains the latest versions of the applications. Its intended to become the 'beta' environment which will finally become the 'production' environment. There is one environment of each type.
FOLDER: the name of the folder containing the applications. It's located at the root of the Officity installation. e.g. apps
CREATECOMMAND: a shell command executed when a new app is created. Can be used to sync with another deployment or to update a SVN repository
UPDATECOMMAND: a shell command executed when an app is updated
DELETECOMMAND: a shell command executed when an app is deleted
RENAMECOMMAND: a shell command executed when the name of an app is changed
PUBLISHED: whether the environment is used or not
An environment is a directory containing the applications at a certain stage of development.
<CREATECOMMAND>svn add %path% svn:// commit %path% --username officity --password ****** -m "System commit: %comment%"</CREATECOMMAND>
<UPDATECOMMAND>svn commit %path% --username officity --password ****** -m "System commit: %comment%"</UPDATECOMMAND>
<DELETECOMMAND>svn del %path% svn:// commit %path%../ --username officity --password ****** -m "System commit: %comment%"</DELETECOMMAND>
<RENAMECOMMAND>svn add %new_path% svn:// del %old_path% svn:// commit %new_path%../ --username officity --password ****** -m "System commit: %comment%"</RENAMECOMMAND>